Superfluous Cacophony II

I like this term. I think I shall use it.

I like eating good food. And I like eating. And I like. Cooking. Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. I can cook. And I think for a guy who has no previous training other than the food channel, I think I'm pretty damn good too. I want to take this time and talk about the people that have taught me the most about cooking.

Due to my love for Italian food. Lydia Bastianich is one of the biggest influences. I love watching her cook because if I was Italian, I wish she would be my grandma! She cooks simple Italian food and her food philosophy is simple. Love cooking and cook for the people you love. The show I believe is taped from her home and I wish that my kitchen was like hers! Her son is also partners in the restaurant business with Mario Batali (see Superfluous Cacophony). Someone should buy her book! What better way to learn Italian cooking than from an Italian!

Emeril Lagasse: Sure he had a failed TV show, who doesn't? But he makes cooking fun. He adds pizzazz to cooking. I was so influenced that I even bought his Emeril Spices which works wonders with meat as well as bought all his pasta sauces. They are all good. Sometimes he does go off on a far far away tangent on food, but I think most of the time he is sane. His cajun cooking is brilliant and it is because of him that I started trying cajun and creole food. And I love it.

Tyler Florence is the last guy on the right in the black sweater. Initially, I always thought the guy was a poser. A little bit like Rachel Ray. Looks cute, can't really cook. On the tele for some eye candy for the home makers. But after watching some of the "Tyler goes to ... " (this is the name that I remember the show by, not neccsarily the name of the show), I became a convert. I have always believed that the true essence of cooking is making something simple tasty. It sounds simple enough but I think when it comes to cooking, less is more. The flavor of the meat should be the center of the dish and not the garnish or the spices. We only add the marinate and spices to accentuate the taste of the meat or dishes. Watching him cook makes cooking interesting. And it makes me want to cook.

If ever someone from the Travel Channel or Art Central ever reads this blog, televise their shows. Their good and fun to watch. You learn so much more from them than many other chefs.

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