The Tastybite Update

Hello readers, so much has happened since the last post on coffee culture appreciation! Strangely enough, I don't recall eating anywhere worth mentioning in the last few weeks. Tonight is Daddy-in-law's birthday celebration @ Prima Tower Revolving Restaurant. For the uninitiated, it's situated at the top of a flour mill just before the Sentosa Gateway. It's been eons since I last ate there due in part to the less frequent arrival of our family friends from the south of France who "louve zee plaise anz zee veews of Sentosa". My next post is dependent on tonight's outcome.

Since the last post, yours truly has finally bought a proper Italian made La Cimbali espresso machine. Picked it up in Perth during my recent trip there for a very good price. Even with the generous discount, this purchase has forced me to embrace the art of making coffee! Many thanks to my ever generous fairy Godparents in Perth Frank and Grace for that pleasant surprise gift of a proper coffee grinder.

My decreasing post count of late can also be attributed to my involvement in a new community forum project which has taken up a huge chunk of my usually quiet evenings vegging out in front of the telly.

Happy eating in the meantime and chat with you soon!

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