Pizza Walker at Wisma

Pizza is something I enjoy every once in awhile. When I was in the United States, the every once in awhile meant every week. So when I say once in a while in Singapore, its about once every 2 - 3 weeks. Some days, I get so desperate that I even settle for the not so good Canadian Pizza and the plastic tasting Pizza Hut. We were out walking around shopping in Orchard when I felt like Pizza again. So we went out to Wisma, as we were at Taka to try this Pizza Walker.

I like the location. You can be seen. So advice for young couples if you want to look cool. You will be seen here. If you are like me, one who enjoys the quieter life, then I say don't even think about it. We ordered 2 small, I mean 6 inch pizzas. One was the all mushroom pizza and the other is the parma ham pizza. The service was pretty good. Being as annoying like I usually am, I wanted to test the service because they had this $6 continuous iced-tea refill when one glass was $3.50. I had like 3 glasses of that within the first 5 minutes. And each time, the server came and was nice about it and kept refilling my drink without complaints. I was fairly impressed. I had a total of like 7 glasses in the 30 minute dinner.

The pizza was average I thought. Nothing to write to mum about. But the great thing about this place was that you can people watch and comment about what they are wearing, this was something Kelly and I did to our fullest, which was fun. The total bill came up to only about $35 which I thought was reasonable.

service: 7/10
food: 5/10 - its pizza, you can't go THAT wrong.
value: 6/10 - quite okay for something in the middle of town.

Hope this helps.

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