Hanabi at Odeon Towers

It was Father's Day some time ago, and since I wanted to celebrate Father's day, I decided to bring myself, my wife, my mum, and last but not least my father for a meal. I decided on Hanabi because I read quite a few things about it, rather inexpensive, and the week after I decided on the restaurant, the Straits Times did a review about it.

One of the things that I have learnt since I have been back in Singapore is never trust their sports news and the other thing is their food review. Their reviewers either have dead taste buds on their tongues or they just think that if the food looks good and if they are served well, damn it. The food IS good. I have been to many Japanese Buffets before and this one was no different. I called earlier in the day and managed to make a reservation for the family.

When we got there. I liked what I saw. The place was pretty with darkwood furniture and pretty lanterns. My parents were as usual late and when they got there, we started the ordering. We ordered a lot. A lot of food. Sashimi, sushi, their grilled items, tempura and all that good stuff. The food was average at best.

Their service, the thing about Singapore ala carte buffets is the fact that the management tries to manage the customer TOO much. What I mean when I say this is that if I were to order the second round of Sashimi, there will be a marked decrease in the number of slice fish. In fact, it was a marked decrease and an incessant effort to "forget," what we ordered. That bothered me quite abit. And to a point, I felt that I was talking to the server's hand then to the server because when ever I would want to order something, they give the hand. I swear its the registered response in this restaurant. Not only did it bother me that the server that took our orders was sniffing away and using his hands to block the mucus from running down his nose, oh wait, the same hand that I believe served us the food, but the hand,that bothered me.

I mean the restaurant isn't very big and it was crowded, but the server to customer ratio was pretty good I thought. But the servers at some times were no where to be seen. hmmmm ...

Food: 5/10 same old same old Japanese buffet
Service: 3/10, the hand thing drove me nuts ...
value: 5/10, can't complain about average mediocre Japanese food not meant to offend

Maybe I shouldn't be bringing my parents out for meals after this 2 horrific mother's and father's day experience? ahahahahhahaha ....

Hope this helps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg... is it that bad???