PS Cafe, somewhere in Singapore

PS Cafe is neither the post script cafe nor the poser synonymous cafe. (Thankfully at least). A long time friend of mine was finally having her birthday and she wanted to share this special day with her friends. Another friend of mine, who was also a friend of the birthday girl, and a good friend might I add, so good that their boyfriend's name sound almost too similar if you ask me in more ways than one, anyways, she decided that PS Cafe would be a great place to go to for her birthday dinner for 13!

So after leaving my wife at the airport with a broken heart, I rushed down and managed to catch a ride with my great and also long time friends at their home in the east, strategically placed near the airport, and together we left for the dinner in eager anticipation of where this place was. I have to say that when we got there, we were impressed. I was not so impressed by the fact that I had a SMS a day before being told that I had to abandon my berms and t-shirt; things I do for friends. I was impressed by the setting. It was like a restaurant in midst of a forest. The glassed exterior and the yellow lights made the restaurant shine in the darkest of places. Immediately, I thought this place was classy! And I should bring my wife here the next time.....

Only God knows why the long time friend who suggested this place wanted to sit outside, at the huge varendar of the restaurant. As you walk through the sexily lited wooden walkway of the restaurant, I was thinking and so did my buddy's wife, a free meal for mosquitoes! When we entered the restaurant, it wasn't as sexy as I thought. Sure they had low couch like sofas and short tables for those who want drinks and nice dark wooden tables with nice chairs, inside of the restaurant. One wall of the entire restaurant was filled with chalked writings to the day's menu, specials and wine list. I was impressed again. Chalked writings on the walls is a sign of a great restaurant is it not?

Fortunately, there was no Lord of Flies. There was no mosquitoes! We sat outside and it was nice. The ambiance was fantastic and company lovely. Once everybody got in. We ordered. I skimmed through the menu hoping that I wouldn't order the same thing as my buddy and his wife. True enough, we thought of the same thing. He wanted to order the steak sandwich, and his wife the flamed prawn pasta. I had no choice but to order one of the specials of the day, one chicken wrapped risotto with a shrimp scampi. Wait, my chicken wrapped risotto is also wrapped with bacon. So its double wrapped. People around me ordered similar things. The mousakka, or what I call the Greek lasagna, the steak sandwiches and beef ragout, which some members of the party pronounced it as rag-out. But I digress.

I ordered my drink of crushed mint and lime soda which tasted like soda water and some lime with lots of leaves inside. We even ordered dips to share. They offered the humus, some chilli padi thing, and some bean like humus thing. Imagine red beans, but mushed. Anyway, the pita bread that came along with it was lovely while it was warm, and no one touched the chilli thing.

So my special came. Okay, not that special. Sexy looking though. We tried a little bit of each others dishes. The steak sandwich was pretty good, the pasta was average, my special wasn't very special but okay, the ragout was somewhat dry, but that was just me. People started talking about this blog and I felt uncomfortable. I guess because some were wondering what I would write about the restaurant. Then all of a sudden, I was thinking, tonight isn't really a night for reviews. It was for friends.

We ordered desserts, the mango and apple crumble and orange cake to share. The birthday girl had a nice chocolate cake and ice cream. The service was pretty good even though it was hard to manage a 13 person table. They even made the birthday girl do a stunt, as vaguely as possible, imagine a bench with the husband at the end and his zipper down. Insert shot glass half filled with baileys in pants, where zipper is open. The bench is lined with whip cream from where the husband sits till the end, and the girl has to lick the whip cream from one end to the other and finishing this entire stunt by drinking the drink in the husband's pants without the use of her hands. My wife would so do this but not because she loves me. But because I think she might love whip cream more!

It was a fun night of catching up with old friends. It was a night that I realized that time was catching up with me. I do over senitmantalize things but I do think that as I get older, I love my friends more. And sometimes going to a restaurant is not really about what you eat, it is more often who you are with. And this night was one of those nights.

Value: worth the $50 bucks per person for this kind of friends.
Service: things I do for friends: not wear berms on their birthday
Food: nothing to crow about food does taste better around great company.

Bring your friends there.


spam said...

In the spirit of sharing - an alternative point-of-view:

spam said...

In the spirit of sharing an alternative point-of-view -

spam said...

In the spirit of sharing and for an alternative point-of-view of the experience -

spam said...

*ahem* since I was somewhat implicated in this blog, I decided an alternative point-of-view is required -

Anonymous said...

I swear I am banned from commenting on this post!! *humph*